LensLinks: Issue 89

A blockchain news roundup, brought to you by Regiment LLC

Today in LensLinks:

  • Crypto Is Flat Before Fed Chair Speech

  • Top 21 Web 3.0 Trends in 2023

  • DeFi protocols unite to promote permissionless Web3 experiences

  • Binance acquires majority stake in Korean crypto exchange GOPAX

  • Meta Closes Two Services, Pursuing Consumer Device Adoption Goals - XR Today

  • Can Solana Reach $100 Again? | The Motley Fool

  • 101: A Complete Guide on Non-Fungible Token

  • Will Britcoin' allow UK to be leading crypto trading hub

  • RETRO: A history of stablecoins

  • ESG: Crypto marketing attracted a disproportionate number of Black investors. Here's why.

  • And Much, Much, More…


“Without a recession and >4% unemployment this year, it is extremely unlikely the Fed will cut rates, which means our view that the market’s pricing of cuts this year is too dovish still holds.”

- Singapore-based crypto trading fund QCP Capital


Metaverse & Gaming

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Crypto Trading

Metaverse & Gaming - a little more…

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi - a little more…

Crypto Trading - a little more…

Industry Retro (How Far we have come)

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

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