LensLinks: Issue 59

A blockchain news roundup, brought to you by Regiment LLC

Today in LensLinks:

  • REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Where does Crypto Go from Here?

  • The Handbag that could shape the metaverse

  • Avoiding 'ice phishing' scammers

  • Pros and Cons of Trading Crypto CFDs

  • "Mark My Words" Shockwave

  • Coinbase expands in Canada

  • Retro: It May Take Time But Web3 is Coming — History Tells Us So

  • And Much, Much, More...


“Most things that succeed don’t require retraining 250 million people.”

- Wired magazine published this line in 1995, in reference to the Internet.


 Metaverse & Gaming

The future of NFT art, and metaverse commerce, might be determined by a virtual handbag.

 Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

In a Dec. 20 analysis report, CertiK described ice phishing scams as an attack that tricks Web3 users into signing permissions that end up allowing a scammer to spend their tokens.

Crypto Trading

Are you interested in pursuing a career or side hustle trading crypto? Do you have experience trading stocks and commodities and want to diversify your portfolio? Trading Crypto CFDs is one of the most accessible ways to get started. Whether you have zero or a little experience trading, it is important to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of all trading styles, including crypto.

Metaverse & Gaming - A Little More...

Blockchain, Tokens & Defi - A Little More...

Crypto Trading - A Little More...

Industry Retro (How far we have come)

In a web3 Social Research report, Bonfire Union, the ecosystem investment fund under Mask Network, focuses on a review of significant protocols that have emerged in web1 and web2 and provides a comprehensive summary of the current web3 social landscape and opportunities.

ESG (Environment, Social & Governance)

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Disclaimer: This note is distributed by Regiment, LLC for informational purposes only and is sourced from publicly available media reports. It is not an investment recommendation or solicitation for any investment. The information is current as of date and subject to change. In such case Regiment, LLC does not undertake to provide any updates. Recipients must be aware that any private, alternative investments discussed are speculative in nature, often illiquid, and subject to loss of capital.