LensLinks: Issue 13

A blockchain news roundup, brought to you by Regiment LLC

Today in LensLinks:

  • Bitcoin "stuck" for 85 minutes...

  • Metaverse: "New Land Minted Every Day"

  • Shariah-compliant Islamic Coin "could scale like Bitcoin and hit $1 trillion in value", its founders say

  • Major fortunes of Metaverse to be Made in Land

  • A16z wants MakerDAO to Stay Together

  • Gartner: Metaverse will take until 2029

  • And Much, Much, More...


“Buy land – they’re not making it anymore.” 

- Mark Twain (pre-Metaverse)


It took more than an hour to mine a block of bitcoin (BTC) on Monday, leaving thousands of transactions stuck in an unconfirmed state.

According to on-chain data from several block explorers, the interval between the two latest blocks mined by Foundry USA and Luxor was 85 minutes.

According to Mempool, over 13,000 transactions were pending before the latest block was mined.

 Metaverse & Gaming

Welcome to a Web 3.0 world, where new land is minted every day in the metaverse.

In the blink of an eye, we jumped from the infancy of the metaverse to seeing tiny fractions of it sell for millions of dollars. When JP Morgan, Adidas, Samsung and numerous other high-profile brands and investors are spending a lot of money in the digital land grab, you have to sit up and take notice.

 Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Shariah-compliant Islamic Coin could scale like Bitcoin and hit $1 trillion in value, its founders say

That's based on an adoption rate of between 3% to 4% of the existing 1 billion Muslim internet users

People in the Middle East are loosening their ties to Islam, especially in countries such as Iran

 Crypto Trading

The bitcoin (BTC) derivatives market has undergone a significant structural change in the past 18 months, making the asset class less vulnerable to volatility-inducing liquidation cascades.

The cash-margined contracts, which require traders to deposit the U.S. dollar or dollar-linked assets like stablecoins as collateral to take leveraged bets, now account for a record 65% of the total open positions (or open interest) in the BTC futures market, according to data tracked by analytics firm Glassnode.

Metaverse & Gaming - A Little More...

Blockchain, Tokens & Defi - A Little More...

Crypto Trading - A Little More...

 ESG (Environment, Social & Governance)

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