LensLinks: Issue 103

Crypto Twitter Gears Up for a Fight, brought to you by Regiment LLC

Crypto Twitter Gears Up for a Fight

Today in LensLinks:

  • Crypto Twitter Gears Up for a Fight: SEC’s Gensler Dubs ‘Everything Except Bitcoin’ a Security

  • Jump.trade is all set to introduce first NFT racing game in metaverse

  • Allure of Bitcoin Ordinals, DeFi Drives Crypto Funds to Bitcoin Layer 2-Token Stacks

  • 101: Bitcoin NFTs: What Are Ordinal NFTs and How Do You Mint One?

  • Binance’s Asset Shuffling Eerily Similar To Maneuvers By FTX

  • Are AI chatbots coming to Tencent and NetEase games?

  • Large Japanese firms to develop the “Japan Metaverse Economic Zone”

  • Tech industry needs to grow beyond its walled gardens to establish VR market, says researcher

  • Solana outage triggers ballistic reaction from the crypto community

  • Liquid Staking Replaces DeFi Lending as Second-Largest Crypto Sector

  • ‘They are scared' Crypto Ecosystem Pushbacks Over IMF Control

  • And Much, Much, More…


“We are asking Congress to step in and stop the SEC from their predatory practices against bitcoin, crypto, NFTs, and retail.”

- Wendy O, the biggest female crypto YouTuber

Metaverse & Gaming

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Crypto Trading

Metaverse & Gaming - a little more…

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi - a little more…

Crypto Trading - a little more…

A look back at how far we’ve come

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

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